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User reviews for the Denon Aktis RC-8000 from Denon Electronics.
Denon Aktis RC-8000
RatingsReviewsMSRP (USD)
Average: 2.90/5.00
Median: 2.83/5.00
The Denon Aktis RC-8000 is a touchscreen learning remote control with multi-direction joystick. It features an optional RF basestation, high-resolution backlit screen, control of up to 23 components and a USB port for PC connectivity.
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Written by iniquity66 from UK.
The reviewer has used this remote control for more than two years.
Review 42 made on January 1, 2007.
Strengths:Very good, but should of been superb.
Weaknesses:Joystick not programmable; Doesn't remember last page accessed, so you always start from the beginning, which can be tedious at times; It's not pretty!
Review:I have identified the problem using the RC-8000 software, and being able to download to the RC. If the unit is plugged into the USB before opening previously saved configuration files the software will not be able to download to the RC. Solution is to open RC-8000 software first, open relevant configuration file (File, Open Configuration), and then plug in the RC using the USB connection. Then Download (File, Download to RC-8000). Downloads then perform correctly.
Quality: Features: Value:

Written by mr_histamine from OH.
The reviewer has used this remote control for more than two years.
Review 41 made on June 12, 2006.
Strengths:Perfect, once you figure out how to utilize its potential.
System recall.
Programming the remote on the PC.
Excellent battery life.
RF capability.
Weaknesses:Seriously not easy to pick up and use.
Needs more face buttons.
System recall function needs further capabilities.
Needs the ability to program the face buttons under the system recall section.
Review:When we first got this remote, it was harder and took longer to do things (such as pausing a DVD) than it did before we got the remote.

It wasn't until I got brave enough to try the system recall function. It SERIOUSLY cuts back on the constant scrolling and clicking you'd have to do in order to turn on all the devices in your system. It's also great when switching between inputs, etc. I just wish they had fleshed out this system a little more before they had released the remote.

Doing the programming on your computer also makes it easier to set up customizable pages of your most frequently used buttons; it also makes it easier when setting up system recall functions.

I too had a problem with it freezing up during the update, so I restarted it and it finished without a hitch. I only wish that the contrast hadn't been reset as well; it made it seem as if the screen wasn't working.

An excellent remote for those who love tinkering with stuff.
Quality: Features: Value:

Written by keke from ny.
The reviewer has used this remote control for 1-2 years.
Review 40 made on November 21, 2005.
Strengths:not many! Is somehwat customizable.
Weaknesses:Pain to use.
Review:My main complaint about this remote is that the Home Page always comes in after the remote goes in Sleep Mode. It doesn't remember your last viewed page to display it automatically on your return. This can be quite annoying if you've grouped functions for a given device on a sub-page. For instance, I've grouped all of my Main DVD commands on a sub-page (with 3 more sub-pages for the less used DVD commands). I have a shortcut to the Main DVD page from the Remote's Home Page. So when I "quickly" want to FREEZE the DVD, I first have to "turn" the remote ON, than from the Home Page, select my DVD sub-page and finally click on the FREEZE button... Not cool ! Since a page can contain only 12 buttons, you quickly have to flip through more sub-pages to access less frequently used buttons even on the best optimized setup.

Even if the remote WAS able to remember the last viewed page, the number of available buttons on a single page is still too limited for any practical use. People that purchase a DENON AVR-580X series receiver are likely to have many other devices hooked up to it. The 12 "quickly" accessible buttons (ok, plus the other 6 "hard" buttons) will soon become excessively limiting.

On a positive note... I had no trouble whatsoever configuring the remote through the supplied software as opposed to some other users.

Quality: Features: Value:

Written by deside from usa.
The reviewer has used this remote control for more than two years.
Review 39 made on September 22, 2005.
Strengths:none and im trying
Weaknesses:too many to list...(using pronto now which upped the anti)
Review:Not worth $5, scroll hell,bad software and the last denon product i shall be puchasing.They have the worst customer service in the field based on 40 years in music biz.Actually there is no customer service and im a gamer.This is a very niceThis is a very nice receiver and at these prices(got nine on u-bid 2 years ago for $1,277 on u-BID and is a over performer in my bedroom (for large space i would say 125 watts is a exageration on denons part.That being said the atkis ia a deal breaker, which is sad because the 4802 has heft and finesse once you decypher the manual and get it set up correctly. Nuff said...
Quality: Features: Value:

Written by Rosty from NY, USA.
The reviewer has used this remote control for 1-3 months.
Review 38 made on November 14, 2004.
Strengths:Large Buttons, highly customizable, programmable from PC, long battery life, durable case
Weaknesses:LCD contrast could be a bit higher
Review:This remote came with Denon AVR 5803 built in Jan, 04. Remote has the latest software version (3.13). I downloaded PC software from Denon website, installed it on my Windows XP computer and used it to program the remote via the USB port. Had not had a single problem mentioned by other users earlier. I exchanged data between remote and PC a dozen times - no hiccups of any sort. I was able to remove a few devices I don't have, add devices I own, remove pages I don't feel like using, re-arrange existing keys, change keys names, add new keys. Then I used my old remotes to "teach" the new keys the old tricks, saved configuration on my PC and enjoyed this Denon remote big time.
I think it is as usable as Phillips Pronto and the best part - it came free with the receiver.

I highly recommend this remote to anyone. Just take time to read the manual and use the software to program it.

Good Luck!
Quality: Features: Value:

Written by Steve from Iowa.
The reviewer has used this remote control for 1-2 years.
Review 37 made on July 4, 2004.
Strengths:Easy hook up via USB port

Weaknesses:Screen is dim
PC software a bit clunky but functional
Not enough preprogramed devices available
Too expensive
Review:No problems installing the pc software.

Needs more supported components to simplify and increase ease of use. A 20$ replacement remote from a discount store has more stored devices

Screen is way too dim.

No problems learning commands from my other remotes

Quality: Features: Value:

Written by Peter from London.
The reviewer has used this remote control for 1-3 months.
Review 36 made on April 23, 2004.
Strengths:If you're willing to spend hours fiddling, it can be programmed with pretty much anything.
Weaknesses:computer link is impossible. Denon provide no support whatsoever.
Review:I owned this remote for 1 day. (came with AV amp I bought used) I spent a while programming it, then attempted to upgrade firmware from 1.x to 3.13.

I followed the procedure to save my changed file, then started the firmware upgrade. Froze mid-update and now the remote is totally screwed. Will not update, or switch on, reset button doesn't work.

I now have no remote for my amp and DENON do not want to know about it because I used the 'unsupported' software.

Screw you Denon. DO NOT buy this remote, the price is ridiculous for what it is, even if it worked, fact is IT DOES NOT WORK.
Quality: Features: Value:

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