Posted by Daniel Tonks on February 28, 2000 at 1:00 AM
Pronto CCF files: Just a quick update for today. First, there are brand new
system CCF files
available by
Cary Gerber,
Harlon Reihing,
Igor Livshits &
Scott Miller. A new CCF section called
& Games has been created and currently contains a Tic Tac Toe game, Trivia and a recipe book, all
Cary Gerber. Let's fill it up with innovative and entertaining
Pronto CCF files! Feel like talking about alternate uses for your Pronto?
Further, I hope to obtain a few status updates on some of the new remotes due out shortly and will
keep everyone up-to-date. And, don't forget that you only have a couple
days to enter this month's great contest.