This is the highly anticipated and much talked about “RGBCYM Everything” remote template that everyone has been waiting for. ;-) This template file is large because it is filled with over 1900 buttons! The buttons are set in six different colors, three different sizes, and two different shapes. These buttons have been created using “Crystal Button”. If anyone would like the “Crystal Button” templates for these buttons, download the file and get my Email address from the “INFO” page. This remote template has been designed with speed of programming in mind. You do not need an image editor to change backgrounds or button images. While other remote layouts may look fancy, they may also take a long time to customize when your customer wants to add just one more piece of equipment. The buttons are organized so that you can either copy/paste or ctrl/drag the button to the page you are designing. Since there are three button sizes, you can scale the button to match the needs of the page. Color coding of the buttons is an essential element to a well designed touchscreen. With this template, a visually pleasing color schemes is easy to layout so that task groups within the page can be separated using the buttons colored with primary and secondary colors. When long macros are executed (power on/off) the remote goes to a “please wait” screen with a moving status bar. This remote template also features a highly desirable feature that has been really popular with many of our customers. The “PHOTOS” button on the remote takes you to a page where you can show family photographs. This is a great way to increase programming revenues with a small effort on the programmer’s time. This is one of those features that entice the customer to talk about their remote and the company that created it. The buttons that are included with this template are completely original and as of this submission, have never been used in a remote. The channel logos for the favorites were downloaded from the DirecTV website and inserted into the button frame. |