It's up to you to find your favorite designs! However, there are three aspects that you should try to evaluate for all entries:
Originality: How unique is the overall design? Are graphics innovative and original? Do all design aspects mesh well into something you'd want to use on a daily basis? Layout: Are control buttons placed in logical positions? How easy and intuitive is the design's navigation? Does the XCF have good general ergonomics? Quality: On a whole, does the design look good? Are bitmaps high quality? Are there any inconsistancies with button placement? Does the entry make the most of the TSU9600's capabilities? For the original contest rules and guidelines click here.
All entries are presented in the XCF file format and can be viewed with the Philips ProntoEdit Professional software package. Use the program's built-in Pronto Professional Simulator to see exactly how an entry will look and operate on the actual remote control!