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Sony RM-AV2500 Remote Control Review
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Sony RM-AV2500 Quick Programming Guide (1)

Note that all settings are saved by pressing [Commander Off].

Enters Preset Codes
[Commander Off] + [Muting]
Choose the component you would like to configure. Enter in the four-digit code number on the keypad corresponding to your brand and device. Press the [POWER] button to test the entered code. Press [ENTER] to save.

To search through code numbers, alternate between pressing [Channel Up/Down] and [POWER]. Once one is found, press [ENTER] to save.

To change the type of component, merely enter in a new four-digit number. Component types are changed automatically with the code number.

If the remote beeps five times and flashes “NG” the entered code number is invalid.

To display the currently entered code number, press [DISPLAY].

Learns Infrared Codes
[Commander Off] + [Component Select]
Select the key you want to teach a signal on. While “LEARN” is flashing, aim the source remote control at the front of the RM-AV2500 and hold the button down until the RM-AV2500 beeps once. As the remote is capturing the code, “LEARN” will stop flashing.

To change the label of a “fixed” LCD square, press and hold the appropriate component select button and repeatedly press the square you would like to change until the correct label is displayed. The remote will begin looking for an infrared signal to learn. Buttons cannot be relabeled if they already contain a learned signal, and cannot be customized for preprogrammed buttons.

If the remote beeps and flashes “NG” the code did not capture correctly, try again.

If the remote will not let you select a button, it already contains a learned signal or alias and must first be reset – hold the [LIGHT] key and press the button to reset.

To hide buttons from view, press [LIGHT] and the button you want to hide. Repeat until it flashes every other time. Buttons that flash every time contain a preprogrammed signal. Buttons that are solid and do not flash contain a learned signal or alias.

To reset all learned and aliased buttons in a device, hold the [LIGHT] button and press the appropriate Component Select button. This will also reset preprogrammed buttons back to their original labels. Repeat the process to return the [M1] and [M2] keys to their default aliases (until some buttons appear solid on screen).

Program a micro-macro anywhere! Line up every remote with all the commands you need, then when learning quickly press all buttons in order. You should be able to learn a 3 or 4 step macro in this manner onto any button.

Learns on a System Control or Component Select Button
[Commander Off] + [Channel+] + [Volume+]
Select the System Control or Component Select button you would like to teach a signal on. While “LEARN” is flashing, aim the source remote control at the front of the RM-AV2500 and hold the button down until the RM-AV2500 beeps once. As the remote is capturing the code, “LEARN” will stop flashing.

If the remote beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that key already contains a signal and must first be reset – hold the [LIGHT] key and press the button to reset.

System Macro Programming
[Commander Off] + [More]
Begin by selecting the System Control button you would like to record the macro on – hard buttons [A], [B] and [C], or LCD-based numbers [1] through [9]. Next, navigate the remote and enter up to 32 commands from any of the remote’s devices. When finished, press [Commander Off] to save.

If the remote beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that button already contains a macro or learned signal and must first be reset – hold the [LIGHT] key and press the System Control button to reset. Remember that buttons [A] and [C] already have a default macro and must be cleared before recording one of your own.

To set System Control buttons [A] and [C] back to their defaults, hold the [LIGHT] key and press [A] or [C]. Do this exact same procedure again, or until the on screen “A” or “C” buttons no longer flash and appear solid.

Component Macro Programming
[Commander Off] + [Volume+] + [Component Select]
Now, navigate the remote and enter up to 32 commands from any of the remote’s devices. When finished, press [Commander Off] to save.

If the remote beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that button already contains a macro or learned signal and must first be reset – hold the [LIGHT] key and press the Component Select button to reset.

Adjusts Macro Interval
[Commander Off] + [Channel+] + [Channel-]
Begin by selecting the Component Select or System Control macro you would like to modify.

Now, using the numeric keypad, select the number that corresponds to the interval time you would like – [1] for 100ms, [2] for 200ms, and so on. The number that does not flash represents the current value.

Programs Channel Macros
[Commander Off] + [Muting], [Channel+] + [Component Select]
Note that this function can only be applied to Television, Satellite and Cable devices, others will flash “NG”. Next, select one of the six available LCD squares you would like to program the macro on. Enter up to four digits including [ENTER] on the keypad, then press [Exit] to save. Your macro will flash on screen twice.

If the remote beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that button already contains a learned signal or channel macro and must first be reset - hold the [LIGHT] button press the key to reset.

Adjusts System Control or Component Select Key Hold Time
[Commander Off] + [Channel+] + [More] or [Component Select]
To adjust the hold time delay, press the System Control or Component Select button you would like to adjust. Keys or component labels that appear solid have no delay time. Keys or labels that flash every time have a 1 second delay, while ones that flash every other time have a 2 second delay.

Adjusts In-Component Key Hold Time
[Commander Off] + [Channel-] + [Component Select]
Select the key you would like to adjust. Keys that appear solid have no delay time. Keys that flash every time have a 1 second delay, while ones that flash every other time have a 2 second delay.

Aliases One Button to Another
[Commander Off] + [Recall] + [Component Select]
Press the key you would like to place the alias on. Now, select a new component and the key with the command you would like copied. The contents of the second key selected will be placed on the first key. Repeat this process to create other aliases.

To change the label of a “fixed” LCD square, press and hold the appropriate component select button and repeatedly press the square you would like to change until the correct label is displayed. Now, select the component and the key with the command you would like copied.

If the remote beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that key already contains an alias and must first be reset – hold the [LIGHT] key and press the button to reset. If the remote again beeps twice and flashes “NG”, that key contains a learned signal and must first be reset in learning mode (described earlier).

To reset all aliased buttons in a device, hold the [LIGHT] button and press the appropriate Component Select button. [M1] and [M2] can be reset to their original aliases by clearing the device twice in learning mode (described earlier).

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