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What's new for Tuesday June 29, 1999...
(Return to the June 1999 news index...)
New remote review: I've added my review of the Jensen SC-595 pre-programmed remote control. The SC-595 features an RF transcever for through-the-wall control of up to 10 infared-based components including DVD and WebTV devides plus a really neat button layout.

Three month "new server" anniversary: For anyone who's been following Remote Central since before April, you'll remember the horrible server we were located on. Slow during the day (often to the point of 3 or 4kb/sec for users on a T1 connection) with 48 hour weekend outage, it was the third such outage near the end of March that began my search for a new provider. On March 29th, three months ago today, I switched Remote Central to service from Superuser Networks. Since then, things have been a whole lot better (now if only the ad agency would get their act together). So, anyone looking for a good virtual server should take a look at Superuser Networks. They've got packages starting from $9.95 per month with no setup fee for 100mb, unlimited transfers, five email accounts and lots more. Please note, I have not been asked to make this recommendation nor do I get anything for referrals. I say this only because I am pleased with the service.

Pronto files: A new system CCF file from Chris Bain, plus an updated one from Brian Porter. Also available is a new utility from Jeroen Sonnemans, CCF Panels, which will generate pages of buttons from codes you drag-and-drop from ProntoUtil. Useful when you're hunting for discrete codes and don't want to spend the time creating individual buttons and pasting codes in ProntoEdit. There's still more: IRDatabase by Manuel Duarte, a program for adding your own IR codes to ProntoEdit's database. I'm quite surprised by the number of innovative utilities coming out for the Pronto - if you're aware of any others be sure to let me know!

DVD review: Just one for today, on the 1999 version of Alice in Wonderland. Expect more this week.

RC5000 Setup tip: Ron Brinksma has discovered an interesting "feature" in RC5000 Setup (the Marantz version of ProntoEdit). If you add the line developer = 1 to the [developer] section of Pronto.ini (located in c:\windows) a new option will be added under the File menu - Save Configuration in Intermediate Format. This appears to save the current CCF as a plain readable text file - which should be handy for someone out there... surely? This same "feature" doesn't seem to work in ProntoEdit.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.