Absolutely everything! Although some screen elements occupy space – such as the system icons at the top and the hard button labels at the bottom – these can be covered up with your own unique bitmaps if they are not wanted or needed.
B3-02 With a full-screen custom interface, how can I view the “transmission” or “battery level” icons?
Although buttons and icons added to the “System Properties” screen will automatically appear on all pages, if you have a custom bitmap placed over the section of screen where that icon would normally appear, that icon will be hidden. The only solution is to create a transparency in the offending bitmap so the system icon can show through.
B3-03 Why does my custom “Setup Page” button disappear when I push another button?
This will always occur when you set a button to the “Setup Page” advanced function in ProntoEdit NG. If you don’t like this behavior, change the button to instead point to “Tools”. This won’t take you directly to the “Setup Page”, but it will only be one click away.
B3-04 How do hard button commands change, per device or per page?
Just as with the classic Pronto, hard buttons are assigned unique functions per device – not per page. If you wish to change hard button commands on a per-page basis, you will need to configure a separate “device” for each page.
B3-05 If I program the far left hard button, how do I access “Tools”?
By assigning your own function to the far left hard button, you are removing the default “Tools” assignment. Simply create another button elsewhere on the remote and designate the “Tools” or “Setup Page” command, which is available from under the Special Actions drop-down.
B3-06 Why can’t I link directly to a device, like I could with the Pronto?
With the original Pronto, it was possible to create a general link to a device, rather than a link to a specific page under the device. This made it possible to easily access the automatic macro that runs whenever the device was selected, and return to a device’s last accessed page, rather than always a specific page.
On the Pronto NG it is not possible to create a general device link, thus it is also impossible to externally reference the automatic macro. Instead, move the device’s macro to a normal button elsewhere on the remote and create an alias to it from both a device’s “Activities Properties” and anywhere else you need those commands.
B3-07 Can I add more fonts to the Pronto NG?
No, it is not possible to add additional fonts to the Pronto NG. Instead, create custom images with the font you desire and than import that. However, remember that numerous bitmaps will use up a lot of memory!
B3-08 How can I design my PCF so when I make changes I don’t need to relearn my remotes?
One of the best ways to make your PCF “future proof” is to design your layout so that infrared codes are never learned more than once. To do that, create a “dummy” device that is comprised of nothing but small, ordinary buttons, and learn your infrared commands there. Since this device will never be used, it doesn’t have to look pretty.
Now, when designing your main user interface, alias those buttons to the codes as stored in the dummy device. That way the original commands are always available when you change or add new buttons, and changing to a different brand of component only involves updating codes in one place.
B3-09 Can I password protect pages?
Although the answer is “no”, this function can be easily simulated.
First, hide all pages that you want to password protect. This will mean that you can only access them with a direct link from another button.
Next, create a new page with a keypad on it. Have only one of those button link to “correct page 2”. Have the rest link to “incorrect page 2” – except for the first panel, all password pages should also be hidden.
On “correct panel 2”, once again only have one button that leads to “correct page 3”, and have the rest lead to “incorrect page 3”. All buttons from “incorrect panel 2” should also lead to “incorrect panel 3”. The reason for this is so the user has no idea when they enter an incorrect number.
Continue doing this for however many digits you want the password to be in length.
On the very last panel, link the correct button to the panel you wanted to keep secret.
If you want, you can get fancy and have asterisks (*) appear at the top of the screen as each digit is entered.
One major caveat is that hidden pages are not strictly hidden, they are really “scroll-through” pages. This means if every panel under a device or macro group is hidden, you will still be able to access the very first panel if you provides access to the Pronto NG's device overview. Also, if you return to a device where the last panel accessed was hidden, you will still be able to access it.