The following page was printed from
Configuring codes:
- Turn on the component that you want to set up.
- Press and release the component key you would like to configure. The red LED will blink once.
- Press and hold the "Setup" key until the red LED blinks twice, then release.
- Enter the first 4-digit code number for the device you are trying to program. The LED will blink one on each digit entered, except for the last digit where it will blink twice to confirm that a valid code has been programmed.
- Now test the code by pressing the "Power" key. If the component turns off, you've got the right code. Follow the same instructions to set up your other components. If the component doesn't turn off, return to step 3 and use the next 4-digit code listed.
| Televisions | VCRs | Cable Boxes | Satellites |
Televisions |
AOC | 0030, 0019 |
Admiral | 0093, 0463 |
Aiko | 0092 |
Akai | 0030 |
Alaron | 0179 |
Ambassador | 0177 |
America Action | 0180 |
Ampro | 0751 |
Anam | 0180 |
Anam National | 0055 |
Audiovox | 0451, 0180, 0623, 0092 |
Baysonic | 0180 |
Belcor | 0019 |
Bell & Howell | 0154, 0016 |
Bradford | 0180 |
Brockwood | 0019 |
Broksonic | 0236, 0463 |
CXC | 0180 |
Candle | 0030, 0056 |
Carnivale | 0030 |
Carver | 0054 |
Celebrity | 0000 |
Cineral | 0451, 0092 |
Citizen | 0060, 0030, 0056, 0092 |
Concerto | 0056 |
Contec | 0180 |
Craig | 0180 |
Crosley | 0054 |
Crown | 0180 |
Curtis Mathes | 0047, 0747, 1147, 1347, 0054, 0154, 0051, 0451, 0093, 0060, 0030, 0056, 0145, 0016, 0166, 0466 |
Daewoo | 0451, 0019, 0623, 0624, 0092 |
Daytron | 0019 |
Denon | 0145 |
Dumont | 0017, 0019 |
Dwin | 0720, 0774 |
Electroband | 0000 |
Emerson | 0154, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0178, 0179, 0019, 0623, 0624, 0177 |
Envision | 0030 |
Fisher | 0154 |
Fujitsu | 0179, 0683 |
Funai | 0180, 0179, 0171 |
Futuretech | 0180 |
GE | 0047, 0747, 1147, 1347, 0051, 0451, 0093, 0178, 0021, 0055 |
Gibralter | 0017, 0030, 0019 |
GoldStar | 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019 |
Gradiente | 0053, 0056 |
Grunpy | 0180, 0179 |
Hallmark | 0178 |
Harley Davidson | 0179 |
Harman Kardon | 0054 |
Harvard | 0180 |
Hitachi | 0056, 0145, 0016, 0151 |
Infinity | 0054 |
Inteq | 0017 |
JBL | 0054 |
JCB | 0000 |
JVC | 0053 |
KEC | 0180 |
KTV | 0180, 0030 |
Kenwood | 0030, 0019 |
Konka | 0707, 0628, 0632, 0638, 0703 |
LG | 0056 |
LXI | 0047, 0747, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178 |
Logik | 0016 |
Luxman | 0056 |
MGA | 0150, 0030, 0178, 0019 |
MTC | 0060, 0030, 0056, 0019 |
Magnavox | 0054, 1254, 0030, 0179, 0187 |
Majestic | 0016 |
Marantz | 0054, 0030 |
Matsushita | 0250 |
Megatron | 0178, 0145 |
Memorex | 0154, 0250, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0179, 0056, 0016 |
Midland | 0047, 0747, 0017, 0051 |
Minutz | 0021 |
Mitsubishi | 0093, 0150, 0178, 0019 |
Motorola | 0093, 0055 |
Multitech | 0180 |
NAD | 0156, 0178, 0166 |
NEC | 0030, 0056, 0019 |
NTC | 0092 |
Nikko | 0030, 0178, 0092 |
Noshi | 0018 |
Onwa | 0180 |
Optimus | 0154, 0250, 0166 |
Optonica | 0093 |
Orion | 0236, 0463, 0179 |
Panasonic | 0051, 0250, 0055 |
Penney | 0047, 0747, 1347, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030, 0178, 0021, 0056, 0019, 0018 |
Philco | 0054, 0463, 0030, 0145, 0019 |
Philips | 0054 |
Pilot | 0030, 0019 |
Pioneer | 0166, 0679 |
Portland | 0019, 0092 |
Princeton | 0717 |
Prism | 0051 |
Proscan | 0047, 0747 |
Proton | 0178, 0466 |
Pulsar | 0017, 0019 |
Quasar | 0051, 0250, 0055 |
RCA | 0047, 0747, 1047, 1147, 1247, 1347, 1447, 0090, 0051, 0093, 0019, 0679, 0018 |
Radio Shack | 0047, 0747, 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019 |
Realistic | 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019 |
Runco | 0017, 0030, 0603 |
SSS | 0180, 0019 |
Sampo | 0030 |
Samsung | 0060, 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019 |
Sansei | 0451 |
Sansui | 0463 |
Sanyo | 0154 |
Scimitsu | 0019 |
Scotch | 0178 |
Scott | 0236, 0180, 0178, 0179, 0019 |
Sears | 0047, 0747, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, 0179, 0056, 0171 |
Semivox | 0180 |
Semp | 0156 |
Sharp | 0093, 0688 |
Shogun | 0019 |
Signature | 0016 |
Simpson | 0187 |
Sony | 0000 |
Soundesign | 0180, 0178, 0179 |
Squareview | 0171 |
Starlite | 0180 |
Supreme | 0000 |
Sylvania | 0054, 0030 |
Symphonic | 0180, 0171 |
TMK | 0178, 0056, 0177 |
TNCi | 0017 |
Tandy | 0093 |
Tatung | 0055 |
Technics | 0051, 0250 |
Technol Ace | 0179 |
Techwood | 0051, 0056 |
Teknika | 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060, 0179, 0056, 0019, 0016, 0092 |
Telefunken | 0056 |
Toshiba | 0154, 0156, 0060 |
Toshiba | 1256 |
Vector Research | 0030 |
Victor | 0053 |
Vidikron | 0054 |
Vidtech | 0178, 0019 |
Wards | 0054, 0030, 0178, 0021, 0179, 0056, 0019, 0016 |
White Westinghouse | 0463, 0623, 0624 |
Yamaha | 0030, 0019 |
Zenith | 0017, 0463, 0624, 0016, 0092 |
VCRs |
Admiral | 0048, 0209 |
Adventura | 0000 |
Aiko | 0278 |
Aiwa | 0037, 0000, 0307 |
Akai | 0041, 0106, 0061, 0053 |
America Action | 0278 |
American High | 0035 |
Asha | 0240 |
Audiovox | 0037 |
Beaumark | 0240 |
Bell & Howell | 0104 |
Broksonic | 0184, 0121, 0209, 0002, 0479, 0295, 0361 |
CCE | 0072, 0278 |
Calix | 0037 |
Canon | 0035 |
Capehart | 0020 |
Carver | 0081 |
Cineral | 0278 |
Citizen | 0037, 0278 |
Colt | 0072 |
Craig | 0037, 0047, 0240, 0072, 0271 |
Curtis Mathes | 0035, 0060, 0760, 0162, 0041 |
Cybernex | 0240 |
Daewoo | 0045, 0278, 0020, 0561 |
Daytron | 0020 |
Denon | 0042 |
Dynatech | 0000 |
Electrohome | 0037 |
Electrophonic | 0037 |
Emerex | 0032 |
Emerson | 0037, 0184, 0000, 0121, 0043, 0209, 0002, 0278, 0479, 0561, 0061, 0208, 0212, 0068, 0036, 0295, 0361, 0088, 0294 |
Fisher | 0047, 0104, 0054, 0066 |
Fuji | 0035, 0033 |
Funai | 0000 |
GE | 0035, 0060, 0760, 0048, 0240, 0202, 0761 |
Garrard | 0000 |
Go Video | 0432, 0526, 0643 |
GoldStar | 0037, 0038 |
Gradiente | 0000, 0008 |
HI-Q | 0047 |
Harley Davidson | 0000 |
Harman/Kardon | 0081, 0038 |
Harwood | 0072, 0068 |
Headquarter | 0046 |
Hitachi | 0000, 0042, 0041, 0105 |
Hughes Network Systems | 0042 |
JVC | 0067, 0041, 0008 |
Jensen | 0041 |
KEC | 0037, 0278 |
KLH | 0072 |
Kenwood | 0067, 0041, 0038 |
Kodak | 0035, 0037 |
LXI | 0037 |
Lloyd's | 0000, 0208 |
Logik | 0072 |
MEI | 0035 |
MGA | 0240, 0043, 0061 |
MGN Technology | 0240 |
MTC | 0000, 0240 |
Magnasonic | 0278 |
Magnavox | 0035, 0039, 0081, 0000, 0149, 0110 |
Magnin | 0240 |
Marantz | 0035, 0081 |
Marta | 0037 |
Matsushita | 0035, 0162, 0454 |
Memorex | 0035, 0037, 1037, 0048, 0039, 0047, 0162, 1162, 1262, 0000, 0240, 0104, 0209, 0454, 0479, 0046, 0307 |
Minolta | 0042, 0105 |
Mitsubishi | 0048, 0067, 0043, 0061 |
Motorola | 0035, 0048 |
Multitech | 0000, 0072 |
NAD | 0058 |
NEC | 0067, 0104, 0041, 0038, 0040 |
Nikko | 0037 |
Nikon | 0034, 0253 |
Noblex | 0240 |
Olympus | 0035 |
Optimus | 0037, 0048, 1048, 0162, 1062, 1162, 1262, 0104, 0454, 0432, 0058 |
Optonica | 0062 |
Orion | 0184, 0209, 0002, 0479, 0295 |
Panasonic | 0035, 0225, 0162, 1062, 1162, 1262, 1362, 0454, 0616, 0077 |
Penney | 0035, 0037, 0042, 0240, 0038, 0054, 0040 |
Pentax | 0042, 0105 |
Philco | 0035, 0209, 0479 |
Philips | 0035, 0081, 1081, 1181, 0618, 0062, 0110 |
Pilot | 0037 |
Pioneer | 0067, 0058 |
Polk Audio | 0081 |
Portland | 0020 |
Profitronic | 0240 |
Proscan | 0060, 0760, 0202, 0761 |
Protec | 0072 |
Pulsar | 0039 |
Quarter | 0046 |
Quartz | 0046 |
Quasar | 0035, 0162, 1162, 0454, 0077 |
RCA | 0035, 0060, 0760, 0048, 0042, 0240, 0149, 0106, 0202, 0761, 0105, 0077, 0058 |
RCA | 0060 |
Radio Shack | 1037, 0000 |
Radix | 0037 |
Randex | 0037 |
Realistic | 0035, 0037, 0048, 0047, 0000, 0104, 0046, 0062, 0066 |
ReplayTV | 0614, 0616 |
Ricoh | 0034, 0253 |
Runco | 0039 |
STS | 0042 |
Samsung | 0045, 0240, 0053 |
Samtron | 0643 |
Sanky | 0048, 0039 |
Sansui | 0000, 0067, 0209, 0041, 0479, 0271 |
Sanyo | 0047, 0240, 0104, 0046 |
Scott | 0184, 0045, 0121, 0043, 0212, 0210 |
Sears | 0035, 0037, 0047, 0000, 0042, 0104, 0046, 0105, 0054, 0066 |
Semp | 0045 |
Sharp | 0048, 0062 |
Shintom | 0072 |
Shogun | 0240 |
Singer | 0072 |
Sony | 0035, 0032, 1032, 0000, 0636, 0033, 0034, 0253 |
Sunpak | 0253 |
Sylvania | 0035, 0081, 0000, 0043, 0110 |
Symphonic | 0000 |
TMK | 0240, 0208, 0036 |
Tatung | 0041 |
Teac | 0000, 0041 |
Technics | 0035, 0162 |
Teknika | 0035, 0037, 0000 |
Thomas | 0000 |
Tivo | 0618, 0636 |
Toshiba | 0045, 0043, 0212, 0066, 0210 |
Totevision | 0037, 0240 |
Unitech | 0240 |
Vector | 0045 |
Vector Research | 0038, 0040 |
Video Concepts | 0045, 0061, 0040 |
Videosonic | 0240 |
Wards | 0035, 0060, 0760, 0048, 0047, 0081, 0000, 0042, 0240, 0072, 0149, 0062, 0212 |
White Westinghouse | 0209, 0072, 0278 |
XR-1000 | 0035, 0000, 0072 |
Yamaha | 0038 |
Zenith | 0039, 0000, 0209, 0479, 0033, 0034, 0637
Cable Boxes |
ABC | 0003, 0008, 0014, 0017, 0007, 0011, 0013, 0001 |
Allegro | 0153, 0315 |
Americast | 0899 |
Antronix | 0022, 0207 |
Apache | 0770 |
Archer | 0153, 0797, 0022, 0207 |
BBT | 0267 |
Belcor | 0056 |
Bell & Howell | 0014 |
Bell South | 0899 |
Cable Star | 0056 |
Cabletenna | 0022 |
Cableview | 0022 |
Century | 0153 |
Citizen | 0153, 0315 |
Colour Voice | 0025, 0031 |
Comtronics | 0040 |
Contec | 0019 |
Digi | 0637 |
Eastern | 0002 |
Emerson | 0797 |
Everquest | 0015, 0040 |
Focus | 0400 |
GC Electronics | 0056, 0207 |
Garrard | 0153 |
Gemini | 0015, 0797, 0070 |
General Instrument | 0476, 0810, 0276, 0011 |
GoldStar | 0144, 0040 |
Goodmind | 0797, 0770 |
Hamlin | 0020, 0259, 0009, 0034, 0273 |
Hitachi | 0011 |
Hytex | 0007 |
Jasco | 0015, 0153, 0315 |
Jerrold | 0003, 0476, 0012, 0810, 0276, 0014, 0015, 0011, 0024 |
Linsay | 0440 |
Magnavox | 0027 |
Memorex | 0000 |
Motorola | 1106 |
Movie Time | 0063, 0156 |
NSC | 0063, 0156, 0070 |
Nexus | 0770 |
Novaplex | 0618 |
Oak | 0019, 0007 |
Optimus | 0021 |
Panasonic | 0000, 0107, 0021 |
Panther | 0637 |
Paragon | 0000 |
Philips | 0305, 0317, 0153, 0025, 0031, 0027 |
Pioneer | 0144, 0877, 0533, 0023 |
Pioneer | 0533 |
Popular Mechanics | 0400 |
Prelude | 0770 |
Pulsar | 0000 |
Quasar | 0000 |
RCA | 0021 |
Radio Shack | 0015, 0315, 0797, 0883 |
Realistic | 0207 |
Recoton | 0400 |
Regal | 0020, 0259, 0273 |
Regency | 0002 |
Rembrandt | 0011, 0070 |
Runco | 0000 |
SL Marx | 0040 |
Samsung | 0144, 0040 |
Scientific Atlanta | 0008, 0477, 0877, 0017, 0006 |
Seam | 0510 |
Signal | 0015, 0040 |
Signature | 0011 |
Sprucer | 0021 |
StarSight | 0422, 0542 |
Starcom | 0003, 0015 |
Stargate | 0015, 0040, 0797, 0770 |
Starquest | 0015 |
Sylvania | 0001 |
TFC | 0310 |
TV86 | 0063 |
Tandy | 0258 |
TeleCaption | 0221 |
Teleview | 0040 |
Texscan | 0001 |
Timeless | 0418 |
Tocom | 0012, 0013 |
Toshiba | 0000 |
Tusa | 0015 |
Unika | 0153, 0022, 0207 |
United Artists | 0007 |
Universal | 0153, 0191, 0022, 0056, 0207 |
Viewmaster | 0883 |
Viewstar | 0063, 0258, 0027 |
Zenith | 0525, 0000, 0899, 0054 |
Zentek | 0400
Satellites |
AlphaStar | 0772 |
Chaparral | 0216, 0053 |
Echostar | 0775, 1005, 0280 |
Expressvu | 0775 |
GE | 0566 |
General Instrument | 0361, 0627, 0869 |
HTS | 0775 |
Hitachi | 0819 |
Homecable | 0238 |
Hughes Network Systems | 0749 |
IQ | 0210 |
IQ Prism | 0210 |
JVC | 0775 |
Jerrold | 0361, 0627 |
Magnavox | 0724, 0722 |
Memorex | 0724 |
Mitsubishi | 0749 |
Next Level | 0869 |
Panasonic | 0701 |
Philips | 0749, 0724, 0722, 1076 |
Primestar | 0361, 0627 |
Proscan | 0392 |
RCA | 0566, 0143, 0855, 0392 |
Radio Shack | 0869 |
Realistic | 0052 |
STS | 0210 |
Samsung | 1109 |
Sony | 0639 |
Star Choice | 0869 |
Toshiba | 0749, 0790, 0082 |
Uniden | 0724, 0722, 0052, 0238 |
Zenith | 0856