number of devices
number of hard buttons
number of user hard buttons
number of soft buttons
amount of memory
number of learnable buttons
adjustable IR hold times
preset codes
number of macros
number of hard button macros
how many macro steps
adjustable delays
key aliasing
variables support
LCD screen
if touchscreen
LCD dimensions
LCD resolution
if a color display
number of LCD colors
LCD backlighting
button backlighting
backlight type
backlight color
menu joystick
light sensor
motion sensor
RF basestation capabilities
voice operation
rechargeable batteries
battery type
docking station
sleep timer
weight w/batteries
high frequency capabilities
internet surfing
built-in TV guide
computer software
flash upgradeability
type of PC interface
Macintosh compatibility
custom button labels
custom button sizes
custom button images
supports Pronto hex codes
if users can share setups
on-remote setup options
What this program does not do is grade on what would be subjective items, such as overall design, ergonomics, usability, ease of programming, or the total sum of "advanced" features. Before deciding on a particular remote, we strongly recommend you research those aspects by reading our in-depth review (where available) and all user reviews for the widest range of opinions.
If you're simply looking for a comparison of remote control specifications, use the selection boxes displayed below the shopping form. Unlike the actual Clicker Picker search form, this section will allow you to view remote controls that are no longer available on the marketplace.