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Toronto & Buffalo HDTV reception...
This thread has 3494 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 60.
OP | Post 46 made on Wednesday December 29, 2004 at 18:48
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
That roof antenna sounds like it's only VHF - won't do any good for UHF signals.
Post 47 made on Thursday December 30, 2004 at 08:12
Lurking Member
December 2004

Do you think Radio Shack has anything that would help me or do I have to go with a heavy duty antenna?

Is there any places in the GTA that offers good antenna's?

Post 48 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 09:38
Long Time Member
December 2004
Has anyone had problems getting NBC HD channel (2-1) in Mississauga? I have a Samsung TS160 HD receiver and it keeps on resetting itself whenever it tries to tune into this channel. I get the other Buffalo channels without any problems (ie. FOX 29-1, UPN 32-1, PBS 43-1).
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 49 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 17:37
Long Time Member
December 2004
I have a ts160 in mississauga and have no problem getting channel 2-1 other than the occasional loss of signal as been reported by many, You might need the firmware update which is only done by the sat stream.Have you got a card to get into the menu and view your update imformation?
Post 50 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 19:54
Long Time Member
December 2004
Yes, I can get into the menu...the software version shows 1.0.10 and something about no future updates available.
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 51 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 20:26
Long Time Member
December 2004
I think that could be your problem mine is at 1.0.14 june 2004 showing yours as the previous update you might have to hook it up to directv sat feed so it can take the update to accept the broadcast flags that all ota hd stations have to transmit eventually,I don't think you need a sub for the receiver to update in the stream. I have mine hooked up to a dish to get the guide from directv for the buffalo stations called "local stations" with an old hu card.
Try this link from Samsung [Link:]
Post 52 made on Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 13:56
Long Time Member
December 2004
Thanks for the link! I ended up calling Samsung USA and tech support said I could either send the unit to their US service centre (NOT!) or tune into channel 100 to receive the update. I'm going to try that tonight...
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 53 made on Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 14:05
Long Time Member
December 2004
22 more question - I have an old HU card already inserted but obviously it isn't valid for tuning into Directv; so even though the screen says the card is invalid, will my receiver get the update?
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 54 made on Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 18:43
Long Time Member
December 2004
My receiver already had the latest update when I bought it so I'm not positive about the ts160 taking the update unactivated but it has been my experience to see directv receivers take the update even with an invalid card but you might have to leave it in the stream for awhile because the software might not always be in the stream but eventually you will get it.(you might as well check out the guide for a while till it takes it but turn OFF the receiver at night ) Let me know if it works for you GOOD LUCK!
Post 55 made on Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 23:25
Long Time Member
December 2004
Thanks c6242...I was told by their tech support to leave the receiver on for 2 days on channel 100 to get the there anything else I should do? I just checked and didn't see any changes yet (I've left it on for ~10hrs already). You mentioned above about "get the guide"/"check out the guide"...what does that actually mean?

If this doesn't work, I might have to resort to sending the receiver to their US service centre for a manual update...
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 56 made on Wednesday January 12, 2005 at 00:17
Long Time Member
December 2004
It will work providing you have sat signal try with the receiver turned on for while then with receiver turned off but leave it plugged in,did you set your dish type in installation?For THE GUIDE try this go into your menu look for local channels set your zip code for 14211(buffalo) the receiver will reboot and download into the guide your OTA stations for buffalo which means you have a full description of whats on 7 days ahead also tells you whats on in hd but only works for the US stations later on you can delete all the channels you can not receive (the sat stations)I had to get the guide going for the wife or she was lost thats why I run the sat feed, soon all the US stations are mandated to transmit that info in their signal but right now they are pretty tardy or random with guide info.Keep trying my ts160 works great on all available channels from buffalo with a crappy terk tv32 antenna
Post 57 made on Thursday January 13, 2005 at 12:47
Long Time Member
December 2004
Well, I left the receiver both on/off for lengthy periods of time over the past two days and still no upgrade. I called Samsung again and clarified that I also need to be able to SEE preview channels on channel 100, not just receive a sat signal, to get the upgrade (ie. need a P4 or P5 card).

Looks like I'm out of luck...
OTA HD setup: Harmony 659, Sony LCD GWII 60", Samsung SIR-TS160, CM 4228, CM 7775, CM 9521A
Post 58 made on Thursday January 13, 2005 at 19:15
Long Time Member
December 2004
That could be the case with the ts160 as it is a p4 p5 receiver but I would still leave it in the stream for a while anyway if it doesn't take the update get a virgin p5 off ebay it will give you the previews I've seen em go for 20.00 sometimes.(better than sending it away)
Post 59 made on Sunday January 16, 2005 at 09:18
Long Time Member
December 2004
Just thought I would post my experiance using a winegard PR4400 outdoor antenna. I had a old space ship radio shack antenna previously and did not get ABC or NBC and everything else was iffy. My STB is a samsung SIR-T351.

I am in south Oakville and close to the lake , less that 5 min walk. Antenna is mounted on the chimney facing south south east. I get ABC,CBS,FOX,UPN,plus the two CBC test patterns at full power, NBC is a bit lower power but comes in.

It appears this antenna is very directional as I lost City, which is OK, but what is wierd is I get the CBC feeds, maybe City is so low I lost it ?

Anyway nicely built antenna, light and perfoms well, got it on ebay for $ 44.00 US.

This message was edited by oliver2000 on 01/16/05 12:34 ET.
Post 60 made on Sunday January 16, 2005 at 10:34
Long Time Member
September 2004
I get the same thing with CSI and other shows on ch39-1, (WIVB/psip id 4-1) especially during gunshots or even camera shots - basically anything with a loud bang accompanied by a bright light, seems a lot of people have the issue with this channel, leading me to believe the fault is at their side, not with my reciever(Samsung SIR-T151) or antenna setup. I have no problems when using ch32-1; (psip id 23-1)

I live in Ajax, ON, and reliably receive all the Buffalo and Toronto channels except for wb49;

On 11/03/04 21:22 ET, kb2umt said...
What kind of luck do you have with WKBW HD? I
can rarely lock on to it, and if I do, it drops
out regularly. I know the signal level is good,
and I only live 16 miles(south) of the transmitter.
I have few problems with the other Buffalo area
HD channels.
Another interesting issue:
I was watching CSI Miami in HD (OTA WIVB Buffalo)
monday evening with a Dishnetwork 811 receiver.
Each time there was a gunshot, the picture froze
for about 8 seconds. Every gunshot did this, and
it have never happened at any other time. Any
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