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need a Sony code for Directv remote
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Post 1 made on Friday May 4, 2012 at 20:09
Lurking Member
May 2012
I have a Sony TV model KP-46WT510 and have Directv. My old remote (Directv model RC32), which I programmed years and years ago was able to control all of the TV functions. It was recently dropped/stepped on and now only a small number of functions work. I got a new remote from Directv, model# RC65. I've spent hours now trying to find a code that works. I have found several codes that will turn the TV on/off and control volume and mute, but not a single one works for the TV input button (which incidentally still works on the old remote) and this is a total pain as I am unable to switch from Directv to my DVD player or gaming systems hooked up to the TV.

I have tried the following codes with some sucess: 10000, 10810, 10505, 10111, 10010

I have found the following codes to not work at all: 10011, 11317, 10834, 10080, 11685, 11904, 11925, 11962, 11641

On the old remote, model RC32, when I push the TV input button the green light lights up under the Directv symbol followed immediately by the light under the TV and the input changes on the TV. On the new remote nothing at all happens no matter which code is used.

Help please if possible!
Post 2 made on Saturday May 5, 2012 at 01:42
Elite Member
April 2002
The input key has to be programmed in initially on every Directv remote, like so:

1. tv
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 6 0

It only has to be enter once, no matter how many codes you try, doing it again will turn off the input key.

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