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IR and RF at same time on new Direct TV Tivo 22
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 1, 2012 at 04:42
Lurking Member
February 2012
I think I read that I my unit will support IR and RF mode at the same time. I'd like to use IR mode for my wired IR rooms with sensors and repaters, but RF mode from my bedroom next door. Is this possible, and can someone tell me how to active both modes at once?

THR22 from Drive TV with new peanut remote.
Post 2 made on Sunday April 1, 2012 at 05:19
Elite Member
April 2002
Yes, but only if you don't turn on the RF mode through the menu, if you do its RF only. So with THr22 Dtivo in IR mode, just do the following on the oem included peanut remote:

1. press and hold Tivo & Stop until the light remains on, release
2. enter the last 6 digits of the Receiver ID#(RID), found on a sticker in the access card compartment

If you ever want to switch it back to IR mode:

1. press and hold Tivo & Pause until light remains on, release
2. press #1 key, or whichever between 1-8 that matches the receivers address.

If you have White Directv RF remote, and want it married to your receiver do the following:

1. dtv, av1, or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 0 0 0 0 1
4. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
5. enter 9 6 1
6. press CH UP
7. enter last 6 digits of Receiver ID #(RID), found on a sticker in the access card compartment
8. press SELECT

Last edited by edmund on June 27, 2013 18:19.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday April 1, 2012 at 14:52
Lurking Member
February 2012
Edmund, your awesome!

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