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Post 12 made on Monday June 29, 2009 at 23:35
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On the contrary there is lots of advantage with watching Digital vs Analogue.

but for everything you said there is also the opposite. GOOD analogue reception is better then So-So analogue/digital reception

1 PQ is not as dependant on reception levels therefore stays constant over time.

yes it is, with out good reception you will have macroblocking, black boxes, jerky images (freezing).. all isues you don’t get with Analogue.

2 Audio Quality is also better and constant.

no it is not, with good reception it is good in both, with bad reception analogue will always have audio while digital will cut out

3 Potential Access to more TV channels due to multicasting on the same 6 Mhz bandwith.

true, then agin the US stations I have all have multicasting, but none of them have anything interesting on anything but the main channel, I don't know about Toronto but the few Canadian stations that do have digital here (around 1/2) none of them use multicasting.

4 Better rejection of interference , including even co-channel interference.

yes, but like I said before if he is only interested in Canadian channels from the CN tower (which was what he asked about) then there should not be interference like that.

Anthony although it is true that the analog TV will only display a SD image and reproduce at most a stereo sound if the source is digital then the quality will be better than analog

agree, but that is all else being equal, unfortunetly the guy is not back, but his OP was that he does not watch much TV and so not interested in spending much which I read as bare minimum. It was not a slight against digital. Just that good reception would be most important in his case.

I don’t know abot Toronto but here many stations don't have digital counterparts yet. SRC (F), CBC (E), tQ(F), TQS(F) have digital (that show the same as the analogue) while CTV (E),ATV(F),Global(E), Savoir(F), CH(E) are only analogue. And for the ones that do have digital the signal strength is much weaker then the analogue, and so more troublesome.

To put it differently if the guy, for example, has 100$ to spend on this project then spending 20$ on the antenna (which does not buy much) and 80$ for a converter amd not getting any station well is not as wise as spending 60$ or 80$ or 100$ on an antenna and waiting for digital. Canada is going digital in August 2011, that is more then 2 years away, by that point he might have a better TV with an ATSC tuner, Canada (like the US) might have coupons to cut the price of converters in half….

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