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Post 5 made on Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 13:26
Founding Member
August 2001
Hi Brad. I appreciate you sending the ccp file with the codes. The ccp file I have is from about 10+ years ago, given to me by a dealer and is the original (1st gen) version. Updating it to latest version would be easy enough, because I already have the login credentials. How ever, I dont want to do so for various reasons. I never know when URC would give trouble again. Also, the updated version takes a very long time to down load. I am pretty happy with using the original 1st gen ccp software. The discrete IR codes for the AWOL would have been useful to me but not critical enough for me to update the CCO software.
Also, I was hoping that the Hex codes from Barf in the preceding would have worked. I havent figured out why they didnt work. The original data/codes were given to me by AWOL.
Thanks again, for trying to help and sending me the CCP file.

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