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Post 7 made on Saturday November 26, 2016 at 19:15
Senior Member
June 2004
Hey Ray,

I'll make it easy for you if you like. I wrote my own version of CoPilot that has a key difference. If you use a 50% transparent button, it does not put the logo on at 50% transparency like their software does.

You can simply send me the up / down state buttons you want to use, and the country you need icons for. I wrote something to go get all those channel icons for me too. No need to pick and choose them individually.

Literally a minutes worth of work and a few mouse clicks on my end. You can send me just the buttons if you want them to have a specific look like the ones on the screenshot. I think you can export them from PEP as well.

The thing is, you need the white background to be removed from the logos first, and I have something for that as well.

Last edited by gwstudios on December 4, 2016 11:22.

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