Your Universal Remote Control Center
The Great ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest
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The Great Philips ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest

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#14: White Plastic
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It contains a fairly extensive help system. The look borrows from the plastic look of some of the Max OS X widgets.

Author: Adam Bursey
File Size: 485kb

[ Download This Layout ]

You'll need Philips' ProntoProEdit NG software package to view this file. Use the built-in "ProntoPro NG Emulator" to see exactly how an entry will look and operate on the actual remote!

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